Tag: lobbying

PBMs, The Invisible $500 Billion Per Year Industry

Anyone who has a regular medication regimen is usually quick to lament how costly it is. Well, you know, drugs are expensive, especially in America! But, what is the industry structure that determines and manages the price? The answer is found in a middleman enterprise known as the PBM, an acronym for Pharmacy Benefit Management. This acronym can also double as an oxymoron for patients who need medications because they are not benefiting from this interference in the system. Profit By Middlemen might be a more honest label.


Cor-por-a-tol-i-gar-chy.  All together now, say it with me.  You can do it because I broke out all seven syllables just for you.  Do you need me to put it to music, too? Wikipedia offers the definition of Corporatocracy… Read More

Why Do Prescription Drugs Cost So Much In The United States? – Part 1

In the United States, prescription drugs are expensive – so expensive in fact that many people needing one or more drugs such as insulin are going without the medicine needed to keep them alive or, at the least, from chronic pain and suffering. This is happening in an amazingly advanced country with the largest economic system in the world. It is not happening in other similarly advanced nations.