Philanthropic Foundations, Quai-governmental Science Organizations, and Universities Often Act as Corporate Shills: How the Industrial Complexes Work

By:  Dave Kingsley President Eisenhower’s Warning In his 1961 farewell speech, President Eisenhower recognized danger in the development and growth of a new phenomenon in U.S. economic and political history – a permanent, massively funded, and rapidly growing… Read More

Joe’s Story – Part 3

In part 3 of this series, Joe finds it important to explain to viewers why he decided to record this story as a warning to help them understand the risks involved in finding quality care for their elderly… Read More

Joe’s Story – Part 2

In part 2 of Joe’s story, he continues to describe the environment and level of service and care in the facility where his mother suffered through her final days, enduring an experience that can only be recognized as… Read More

Capitalism Exists Only Weakly in America These Days. Consequently, An Economic Dystopia Has Developed

By: Dave Kingsley Words & Mindsets Matter: It is Time to Change the Narrative     The U.S. economic system is in bad shape. Economic growth is sluggish, wealth has become badly maldistributed, and government policy has been tilted… Read More


By: Dave Kingsley Time to Debunk the “Free Market Myth.”     The American, healthcare system operates on the faulty assumption that private corporations will deliver medical care more effectively and efficiently than government. The pseudoscientific belief that a… Read More

Joe’s Story

This is the first of a series of recordings in which Joe Sopcich relates details about his family’s experience with placing their parents in an eldercare complex in Kansas. In part 1, he details what their process was… Read More

Welcome to CHIP!

The Center for Health Information & Policy is a nonprofit entity engaged in health care research, public education, and advocacy. The mission of CHIP is to educate the public about the health care system in the U.S., and advocate for… Read More